
  1. Genre

The Genre of my game is a 2.5 stealth game where you have entered a museum in which you
want to steal a big diamond in the shape of an alien. The game is based on skill and stealth.
You have to spray a deodorant can to see and dodge lasers.
  1. Character Profile
Name- Thief, age 19 , Gender male and female (optional)

Physical attributes:
The character is a greyed out humanoid figure when thief is standing and walking around
Thief is just a human with lots of skills. The character resembles a shadow which further
reinforces the idea of stealth. The character has a dark yellowish backpack  in which
Thief has his stealth tools and where he puts his diamond and tools.

Emotional Attributes:

Thief is a very unemotional character,he is fearless and dangerous. All Thief can think
about is the money. He is selfish and greedy. His mission is to steal the most valuable
object which is the diamond and become rich. He is a very athletic character so he
expresses his emotion through his moves and idle animations but he also has night
vision goggles which close and expand which show Thief's emotions and reactions, when Thief
moves around he is carefully and safely moves around.When he gets the diamond he does a
little celebration. When he is sneaking around and dodging lasers he is able to back flip and
other different athletic moves. Thought bubbles also appear above his
head which helps the player know what they have to look for in a level like lasers or cameras.

Thief has a yellowish backpack because I wanted to put a bit of personality to the character
and also the colour yellow collaborates with gray colour and I decided to use a gray coloured
skin suit because gray blends in well in to dark background. He also has night vision goggles
because he needs to see in the dark clearly and a pair of sound absorbing clothes and shoes
because Thief can not afford to be heard because he then would be found.
The female has a pink ponytail and a pink backpack.

  1. Character Visuals

d) Target Audience

People who own a nintendo switch because this game is a nintendo switch exclusive. My game is also aimed at people who like stealth games and games which are about skill.  The game will let you choose between which gender you want to play as, either male or female. The characters will be mostly aimed at people who go to college and school because they wear backpacks as well. The age range of the players is 12-20 year olds because the game focuses on skill, patience but is also meant to be fun and interactive and also this age range is also more mature to not to follow the games narrative unlike the younger audience.
